The Steam client provides the user with numerous benefits. Steam is the most popular video game storefront and distribution service for PC operating systems such as Ubuntu. You can find out a bit more about Remote play with Steam here.This tutorial will show you how to install Steam on the Ubuntu operating system.

If you have a powerful gaming rig, a wired network, and a capable client device, it’s possible to stream 4K at 60 FPS. Over a 5 GHz network, our target is a resolution of 1080p at 60 frames per second, with good quality for most scenes. You can tune streaming resolution and bitrate for the best experience on your setup with Advanced Settings. Remote input and multiplayer voice are sent back to the gaming PC, all within milliseconds.

When you play a game using Remote Play, video and audio are sent from your gaming PC to another device. Steam Link is powered by Remote Play technologies, which deliver real-time video encoding over a custom low-latency network protocol. In addition, the Steam Link app supports Remote Play Together meaning you can play just about every game across multiple platforms with your friends anywhere around the world. Steam Link is an app for Linux that allows you to extend your Steam gaming experience to your mobile device, TV, or another PC, all you need is a local network or internet connection. Let us know in the comments if you have tried to use Steam Link on your Ubuntu OS, it’s a free app so if you have a few minutes to try, go ahead and let us know how it works out or if you need some help, make sure to check out the basic requirements right below though. I am honestly surprised Steam Link isn’t as popular as it should be, I think in the next couple of years, they will try to simplify it even further or combine in within Steam itself, it just seems that’s the natural way to go, all I know is Linux gaming is here to stay with news like this. Now that Steam Link supports remote play together, you can basically play with anyone on any supported operating system and device, and they don’t even need to have a Steam account. Today we will list some reasons why we think you should for sure give Steam Link a try on your Ubuntu OS especially if you are into gaming. Hello everyone, you can download Steam Link for Ubuntu and experience a new way to play your favorite Steam games on basically every major platform you can think of.