This security is backed with the ability to view the files even before you have to extract them, allowing the user a higher and grander sense of reassurance from pesky and malicious files that may harm the user or the integrity of their computer. Nowadays, with our computer security being held at the highest priority, file exchange has also evolved as well, and many sites and routes will no longer accept files that are sent unpackaged, or the file size is too large. Now imagine that same process, only much quicker, and with digital files! 7-Zip uses its compression protocols and a lot of other fancy computing terms to turn files of all kinds into one neat, convenient package. Imagine you had a present to give someone, and you wanted to include their favorite things inside of a box, and you place everything you can in the box, tape it up, wrap it up, and send it along its way.

If you're not sure what 7-Zip is, it's a program that allows for the "archival" or packing of files through the magic of computing processes and the like. 7-Zip has become a renowned and celebrated name within the computing community, giving users the ability to package and extract files with supreme ease.